Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Resolution Summary

Items that are crossed out are completed.
  • Sell the house, pay off the remainders of my debts, and get my own place to stay. And get a car too.
  • Travel to another country.
  • Take my son to another country.
  • Drop the waist size 2 inches and not break any bones.
  • Go to an amusement park, visit the beach, and also see a part of the USA I've never been.
  • Do more educational work for Python related technologies, and that includes getting the Django Education Foundation really rolling forwards.
  • Throw away at least half my current stuff. I don't have much stuff now, and I want even less. Also, If I don't use or interact with any one of my non-book remaining possessions by 2011, I'm throwing it away.
  • Move my blog to my own system and blog at least once a week.
  • Get a mountain bike and have reasons to use it.
  • Get back into Eskrima, focus more on BJJ, get into Capoeira.
  • Hire a maid. I'm not messy, but I want someone to do the fine tuning of my place.
  • Go to Pycon, DjangoCon, and a new conference.
  • Have a beer with Thomas, Andy, Andy, Tony, Garrick, Bernd, and the rest of Ye Aulde Gange.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had to read the "Drop the waist size 2 inches and not break any bones" line at least three times before I understood the strike-through.

The first two times it sounded like "I dropped my waist size 2 inches, but I broke some bones while doing it" :-)