- Response of Armin Ronacher, creator of Jinja2 and other projects
- Response of Mike Bayer, creator of Mako and SQL Alchemy
- Response of Steve Holden, Chairman of the Python Software Foundation and creator of PyCon
Monday, December 6, 2010
Reactions to "Stupid Template Languages"
My blog post on Stupid Template Languages has had some excellently crafted responses by Armin Ronacher, Mike Bayer, and Steve Holden. I respect and admire each of these developers, and their combined projects have made a real impact on my career. I'm happy that our community is large enough to have a difference of opinion, delighted that our base language of Python allows us the power to play with different options so easily, and hope that we can debate our differences of opinion this year at PyCon. The first round of drinks are on me!
I wonder why you say that perl has a non-stupid template language? There may be some out there, but the most-used is HTML::Template. That is even (painfully) more stupid than the default template language of Django. What are you referring to?