Friday, April 3, 2009

Forming a Northern Virginia Django User Group

There is already a Django User Group in the Washington, DC area (Django District). However, it looks like they meet in Silver Spring. Yuck. I live in Arlington, VA and I don't drive. I'm sure they are a nice bunch of people, but I want something more accessible.

I am a member of the Zope/Python User's Group of DC, which is organized by awesome Alex Clark. It has been going on for ages. Unfortunately they meet on Tuesdays which does't work for me or Katie Cunningham except maybe once a year.

See, what I want in a user's group is one that meets on a Wednesday or maybe Thursday once a month or so in a metro-accessible place with wifi in Arlington, Virginia. Katie agrees. So we are going to form what I nominally call the Northern Virginia Django User Group (shortened perhaps to Nova-DUG). We'll discuss and show off Django and the odd bit of python and pinax. We will be happy to run periodic events with Django-District, and we'll make sure not to fall in the same week as them. Should be fun for all!

More details as we cook them up.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear about this! I know some of the people interested in django-district had issue with the SS location too, so this will help.

Look forward to coming down for a meetup and doing some joint events!

Chris said...

There's a bunch of Python/Django people at PBS, too (I work at the NewsHour). I'll pass the word around.

pydanny said...

@richleland: I'm glad django-district is excited to work with us folks in Northern Virginia. :)

@Chris: Yes! Please let PBS know we are forming up.